Sacrificial giving is ...

Sacrificial giving is a change I can make to give less to myself so I can give more to others.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Top 10 Ways to Feel Rich (Even When You're Not)

Some of these will seem counter-intuitive at first, but here is my list to Top 10 ways to feel rich.

1. Acknowledge your inheritance from God. Romans 8:14-17 says:
Because those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, "Abba, Father." The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs — heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.

2. Be thankful. A lot of feeling rich is noticing what you have, not what you don't have. If you have good health, good friends, good family, or even have a good day today - acknowledge it!

One practical way to be thankful is to keep a family photo album (put pictures in it often and keep it out where you think to look at it frequently). Another way is to keep a "thankful container". When something awesome happens in your life (like a raise at work or an illness leaving quickly or an unexpected visit from a friend), write it on a piece of paper and put it in the container - some folks use a decorative vase. When Thanksgiving rolls around, read them aloud for you and your family.

3. Get rid of clutter around your house. Getting rid of possessions might seem like a backwards way to feel rich, but an overstuffed house can make a person feel disorganized and overwhelmed quickly. Remember, space is a precious thing.

4. Give money to charity. Nothing makes you feel more rich than a generous heart. The catch is you have to plan the amount you give into your budget and give consistently - and give to a charity you've researched to be legitimate with a mission for which you are passionate. Giving money you honestly needed for gas or groceries will just make you panicky. Conversely, nothing will make you feel poorer than thinking of yourself as the person most in need of charity. Everyone (especially in America) has something to give.

5. Have a savings account and put something into it every payday. Financial times are changing, and I understand that to some folks the best savings can range from a Mason jar to buying gold or silver pieces. I'm not going to tell you exactly how to save. Just do it. It's a good habit, and it can save you from going into debt when unexpected expenses emerge.

6. Make friends - close friends. Everyone needs a good 3 or 4 very close friends that would do just about anything for them.

7. Become a parent. I know! Kids are SO expensive when you look at the bottom line. However, the joy you receive from your own child is priceless. It cannot be matched, not even with the most expensive nights on the town or the sleekest car. Children change you. You will never feel richer!

8. Share your stuff and trade stuff with others. You know those 3 or 4 good friends you now have? Offer to loan them the book you bought and just read. Accept their invitation to come over for dinner. Ask them if they need an extra couch because you don't like yours anymore. Help them move into a new house and thank them when they decide they don't need that leather recliner anymore and think it would look great at your house.

9. Live on a spending plan. This is sometimes called a budget. Basically, have a plan for how and where your money will be spent. Don't forget to budget for your (consistent) charitable giving. This will help you notice when a large chunk of your income is going towards something basically useless (like lattes or fast food), so you can live more intentionally and less on accident.

10. Try to keep your body healthy. This goes beyond looking good. Do things for yourself that help you feel good. Figure out how much sleep your body needs at night (hint: most adults need at least eight hours every night!). Cutting down on sugar consumption can keep your body from feeling stiff (learn to do this easily by meeting one time with a dietitian instead of pouring over conflicting Internet articles). Drinking adequate amounts of water can reduce the frequency of headaches. Daily (or every-other-day) exercise can give you energy to last the entire day (instead of crashing around 3pm).

Okay, there are my Top 10 tips for feeling rich. If you have any to share, I'd love to read your comments!