Sacrificial giving is ...

Sacrificial giving is a change I can make to give less to myself so I can give more to others.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Practical Application: Make the most of the gifts you give others

A lot of gift-giving expense involves gift bags, wrapping paper, bows, and postage. I have nothing against a beautiful gift display, but when you want to maximize the actual gift, the most economical thing to go is the outer layer. Here are a few ideas for reducing the overhead.

1. Reuse gift bags and bows. This way you always have some on hand and you spend far less on the outer layer.

2. Give money or a gift card in a card. It mails cheaply, and people of all age appreciate receiving the means to buy their own gift. Just make sure if it's a gift card that it is to a store your recipient really enjoys. Side note: kids LOVE cash! Well, not so much the cash as the trip to Target to spend the cash. Clear it with their parents first, but spending their own cash can teach a child a lot about economics. We give our nieces and nephews a dollar for each year in their birthday card. It's always a hit.

3. Save the drive and the stamp - call the store and ask to buy a gift card over the phone and have them mail it for you. It's not going to work with Wal-Mart, but it will work with your locally owned shops.

4. Agree to not give at Christmas. We have an agreement with our siblings who also have children not to give gifts to one another. Instead, we give gifts to the kids. Ocassionally, I make a small (as in, under $10) exception if it's something I really want them to have.

5. Don't go overboard on material gift-giving. Most people living above the poverty level don't NEED anything other than your time and attention and maybe some homemade cookies. If gift giving has gone overboard in your circle of family and friends, don't be ashamed to call it out. Lead the charge in giving less to people who don't need more. Discuss with your people ideas other than gift giving to express your generous heart. Ideas of this include finding a charity close to your heart and becoming a consistent monthly giver, organizing a time for you and your friends to work at a soup kitchen or other service charity, and choosing a charity that others wanting to give you a gift of any sort can donate to in your name.

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