Sacrificial giving is ...

Sacrificial giving is a change I can make to give less to myself so I can give more to others.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Practical Application: Moisturizers and Lotions

I recently learned a little fact about lotions and moisturizers that might save some money. I'm talking about the stuff you put on your body, hands, and face.

Lotions and moisturizers do not moisturize your skin all by themselves. They actually just lock in the moisture from recently wet (now slightly damp) skin. So, applying lotions to dry skin doesn't do a lot of good - in fact, it might dry your skin further if it contains alcohol. The best time to apply a moisturizer is just after washing your skin - following a bath or shower and after washing your face or hands.

And, while we're on the subject of lotion, take time today to sort through that drawer or basket of old lotion in your bathroom and recycle the old, mostly empty bottles!


  1. And while you're using your lotion, review the ingredients to make sure it does not contain propylene glycol or other petroleum products. Your skin is your largest organ! Everything you put on it soaks into your body.

    There's a great site to help with determining the ingredients of your skin care products:

  2. may I ask why the above ingredients are bad? I am already allergic to half of what is out there. So any tips help!

  3. Val, I believe it is because they are carcinogenic (aka cancer-causing). Petroleum products are in MOST skin care products. Probably the only place you'll find skin care items without those ingredients is at a health food store.
